
a gallery of controversys



The Happiness of Objects

Have you ever seen a thing you just loved without question or reason?

That’s how I’ve felt about this small square patch of green and off white stripes ever since I saw it peeking out from page 367 of the ARTFORUM magazine.

happiness of objects before

I left it intact on the page for years but finally, yesterday, decided its time had finally come. Clipped it from its page. Set it beside a random poem clipped from the pages, by WB Yeats (from The Winding Stair and Other Poems, 1933).

Examined it. Realized the lines remind me of the huge ruled paper from Kindergarten when I was first learning to write, and I don’t understand the Yeats poem. Found some more words and decided to use them all, and nothing more.

process2 happiness of objects

The feeling of absence, a confusing sense of time, will soon become, other lovers, we loved each other, naked and hid-…. these are the words that initially emerged from these clippings. Continue reading “The Happiness of Objects”


Having spent the past two months caught up in a number of things that required that I abandon my sons to Minecraft.

Having woken in the middle of too many nights trying to shake the terrible feeling of complete domestic failure.


Having finished the first draft of my novel yesterday.

Having finally made Pasties from scratch.

Having missed my last two blog-Wednesdays.


Continue reading “LATE”

Abstract Talking I & II

On the left hand page, we have image.

On the right, words.

This quote and last post’s image come from an article in Artforum titled, TALKING ABSTRACT. What better excuse to delve into line and language?


1. Begin with a quote. I chose this:

intermission2 - 1

2. Cut it into lines.

intermission2 - 2

Continue reading “Abstract Talking I & II”

Celestial Navigation

Number 7 is about image and sun and finding your own way and Bob Marley.BlogMain - 7Number 7 is the place where you should let your hair down, loosen your belt, drink a root beer, and free yourself from whatever preconceived notions you hold toward poetry, art, and writing.BlogSup2 - 7

Here is a photo of my work space. This is a piano bench. My piano bench does not contain music because I play by ear, or by finger, as shall be explained after the jump. Continue reading “Celestial Navigation”

The Eye is the First Circle

This cut-up poem is very hard to look at. The colors are just atrocious: almost all the hues are exactly the same value and saturation. This is such a huge no-no in design ( I should know: I attended a lot of art colleges and took Color Theory 101 at each one).

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But, honestly, the intensity is what I love about this and what drew me to the font in the first place. Continue reading “The Eye is the First Circle”

“The French word for scissors, is the plural of the word for chisel”

For the second poem, I decided to dip into the Artforum magazine in order to assure that this project does not go too boat-crazy. I could see how I might get too attached to the concept. This poem begins a secondary theme of dealing with the artifice of collage … or maybe I’ll end up with a little embedded series “for” artists I adore. It’s early days. Keep an open mind.

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If you are one of the three people following along <this is me winking at my mother> with this project as an instructional guide, the following is for you. Continue reading ““The French word for scissors, is the plural of the word for chisel””

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